Biological Collections 3.0. October 2012

14 marzo, 2012


First day, 8th October 2012

Time Module Topic Trainer/s
8:00 Module 0 Introduction and presentations Juan Carlos Bello and Francisco Pando
9:00 Module 1 Workshop background – The biological collections 3.0 scope Francisco Pando
9:30 Module 2 Information in collections Francisco Pando and Óscar Orrego
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Bloque 2 Collection documentation Francisco Pando
12:30 Welcome Lunch – La Posada de San Antonio Hotel
14:00 Module 3 Digitization schema and work-flows Danny Vélez (SiB Colombia)
15:00 Visit to the biological collections of Villa de Leyva Claudia Medina – Claudia Múnera (IAvH)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30  Module 3 Visit to the collections’ systematization room of Villa de Leyva Claudia Múnera (IAvH)



Second day, 9th October 2012

Time Module Topic Trainer/s
8:00 Module 4 Specimens and image Francisco Pando
External links Francisco Pando
9:00 Module 5 Barcodes and QR (Quick Response) Codes Francisco Pando
9:30 Module 6 GBIF and other aggregator portals Juan Carlos Bello
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Module 6 Standards Danny Vélez (SiB Colombia)
12:30 Lunch 
14:00 Module 6 Citation Francisco Pando
15:00 Collections on the Internet Juan Carlos Bello
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Module 6    
17:00 JStor-GPI Rafael Barrón (Missouri Botanical Garden)
18:00  Multiimagen IAvH – Chiribiquete 



Third day, 10th October 2012

Time Module Topic Trainer/s
8:00 Module 7 Databases and collections Greg Riccardi
9:00 Module 8 Persistent Identifiers, the Semantic Web and Collections Greg Riccardi
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Module 8 Ontologies and Vocabularies Greg Riccardi
Terms (vocabulary)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Module 4 Specimens and sounds Paula Caycedo
15:00 Module 9 Uses, limitations and applications of the collections for molecular biology research Maylin González (IAvH)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Module 9 Barcodes of life and collections Maylin González (IAvH)



Fourth day, 11th October 2012

Time Module     Topic Trainer/s
8:00 Module 10 Data quality in biological collections Cristina Villaverde
8:45 Quality control in the  National Biodiversity Information System Liliana Lara
9:00 Module 11 An introduction to ecological niche modeling María Cecilia Londoño (IAvH)
Accumulation curves, completeness index
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Module 11b Collections and CITES Liliana Lara (Conabio)
12:00 Module 12 Models for biodiversity data publishing and data papers María Fernanda Gómez (SiB Colombia)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Module 13 Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) Program: Greg Riccardi
15:00 Module 14 Network collections in Latinamerica Liliana Lara (Conabio)
15:30 Association of Colombian Herbaria: Claudia Medina (IAvH)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Module 14 Association of Ibero-Macaronesian Herbaria (AHIM) in Spain: Francisco Pando
17:00 Module 15 Towards a resource repository for collections management Francisco Pando
18:00 Module 16 Conclusions and action points (in Spanish) All
20:00 Dinner – La posada de San Antonio Hotel




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